Lesson Plan

Bellarmine Lesson Plan 


  • This lesson asks the students to complete a worksheet for both an animal cell and a plant cell. 
  • Students will already have learned the mitosis and meiosis.
  • The cell is involved in all living organisms and its functions are vital to our survival as an organism.

Learning Objective(s)

  • Students will be able to correctly identify the components of an animal and plant cell as well as describe their functions by completing both an animal and plant cell worksheet and Venn Diagram identifying similarities and differences between the cells.  


This lesson plan connects to the following Academic Expectations:

      2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or effect each other. 

      2.4 Students use the concept of scale and scientific models to explain the organization and functioning of living and nonliving things and predict other characteristics that might be observed. 

Name: Alexandria Henning

Date:  9 June 2010
Age/Grade Level: 9Number of Students: 10
Number of Students with IEP / 504 plan: 4Number of Gifted Students: 0
Number of English Language Learners: 0Subject: Science
Major Content: BiologyLesson Length: 1.5 hours
Unit Title: The CellLesson Number and Title: 1; The Cell





Program of Studies: UnderstandingsProgram of Studies:Skills and ConceptsRelated Core Content
 SC-H-UD-U-1Students will understand that the many body cells in an individual can be very different from one another even though they are all descended from a single cell and thus have essentially identical genetic instructions. Different parts of the instructions are used in different types of cells.  SC-H-UD-S-2Students will identify a variety of specialized cell types and describe how these differentiated cells contribute to the function of an individual organism as a whole. SC-HS-3.4.2Students will understand that most cell functions involve chemical reactions. Food molecules taken into cells react to provide the chemical constituents needed to synthesize other molecules. Both breakdown and synthesis are made possible by a large set of protein catalysts, called enzymes. The breakdown of some of the food molecules enables the cell to store energy in specific chemicals that are used to carry out the many functions of the cell.SC-HS-3.4.4Students will understand that plant cells contain chloroplasts, the site of photosynthesis. Plants and many microorganisms (e.g., Euglena) use solar energy to combine molecules of carbon dioxide and water into complex, energy-rich organic compounds and release oxygen to the 


Resources, Media and Technology


  • As a class, we will discuss what they already know about cells.  I will write them on the board for them to see and refer to at the end of class. [10 minutes]
  • A PowerPoint presentation will be used to show the components of the cells and describe them.  It will be a brief, but concise view of the cell. [20 minutes]
  • A video will be shown on the cell.[4 minutes]
  • The class will be broken up into two groups.  Students with IEP plans will be equally placed in the groups and partnered according to Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development.
  • One group will complete the animal cell worksheet and the other will complete the plant cell worksheet.  They will identify each structure within the cells and give a description of the function underneath.  The students may use the internet and/or their textbooks. [20 minutes]
  • Once finished, the groups will present their worksheet to the class and “teach” it to the other group.  The class will follow along with the handout.  Each student will have completed both worksheets for their notes.
  • The class will come back together and complete a Venn Diagram that will compare the animal cell and the plant cell.  [20 minutes]
  • Each table will be provided with colored pencils and paper.
  • Different colored markers will be used on the Venn Diagram.  Students will be called on and asked to write on the SmartBoard.  Each statement  will be read aloud to accommodate to every students learning needs. [15 minitues]
  • Once the Venn Diagram is completed, the students will refer to their original statements on what they knew about cells before class.  They will choose one statement and verify whether it is true or false based on what they now know about cells.[5 minutes] 
  • Extra time will be given to those with IEP plans if needed.

Assessment Plan

Objective / Assessment Organizer
Type of AssessmentDescription of AssessmentAdaptations and/or Accommodations
Objective 1Formative Completion of Animal Cell and Plant Cell WorksheetsExtra time for students with IEP's, Vygostky’s Zone of Proximal Development
Objective 2FormativeCompletion of Venn DiagramExtra time provided for students with IEP’s, Write on the SmartBoard with different colors, repeat statements aloud slowly, use overt responses to determine whether to continue.